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Location: Portland, ME, United States
Phone Number: 20754109000

About Us


THRIVE is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt non-profit organization dedicated to improving community responses to families, youth, and trauma survivors through the integration of trauma knowledge and system of care principles in service systems.

Our work supports resiliency and recovery. We are a strength-based, collaborative community partner.

THRIVE provides trainingstechnical assistance, and consultation to state and local organizations as well as to community members with the goal of creating trauma-informed systems. A trauma-informed system is one that builds off of awareness and knowledge of trauma and creates systemic change by reviewing policies, procedures, settings, and practices ensuring that all trauma-informed principles are met in order to achieve system transformation that promotes growth and healing while preventing (re)traumatization for recipients and providers.

Services incorporate youth and family perspective through partnerships with Maine Alliance of Family OrganizationsYouth MOVE Maine and individuals with lived experiences in behavioral health, juvenile justice, child welfare and special education systems.

THRIVE is Maine’s graduated System of Care, and receives funding from Maine’s Department of Corrections Division of Juvenile Services and the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.