Vassalboro Community School-School Nurse
Full-time with Benefits
1/2/2025 (or as soon as a qualified candidate is found)
The Vassalboro Community School is a quaint school located in central Maine, nestled between Waterville and Augusta. The position provides a highly competitive salary and benefits package. As a district, we are committed to equity, excellence, the environment, and forward thinking. Our goal is to respect, responsibility, kindness and foster intellectual and creative excellence while building strong character. We highly value our sense of place and surroundings and our community.
We are searching for an experienced nurse who thrives in a dynamic setting working with student’s pre-K thru 8 and community. Responsibilities of the position include, but are not limited to, managing health forms of all students, medication management, crisis management, vision and hearing screening, attending to daily student health needs, routine first aid and triage, medical 504 plan oversight, wellness team leadership, teaching lessons in health and sex education, parent communication and staff support. The position follows school day hours, the academic school year calendar.
Applicants for this position must be licensed as a registered nurse in the State of Maine and must hold a Maine Department of Education certification with 524 endorsements. Experience with school or public health nursing preferred.
Application deadline: The position is open until a suitable candidate is found.
Additional Information: Please submit a cover letter, application(, resume, and copies of your certification/license for consideration to:
Alan Pfeiffer, Superintendent
1116 Webber Pond Rd
Vassalboro, ME 04989